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Trade: Information Technician for Technology or Informatics

In modern dentistry, IT is very important. At the University Clinicof Dentistry Vienna, we offer an excellent training in this field.

In addition to the purely technical core disciplines of IT; communication, documentation, process modelling and quality management tasks are also taught as learning objectives alongside with operational management. These ambitious objectives therefore require that the applicants have a secondary school leaving qualification.

The Challenges of IT

The University Clinic of Dentistry is pervaded by IT infrastructure and so it is only natural to offer apprentice training in this area. Innovations from the dental industry have their primary focus on dentists in private practices. Therefore, the challenge to adapt these IT solutions to the needs of an interdisciplinary school of dentistry is evident. As such, IT must progressively support the constantly increasing requirements arising from teaching, research and patient care, all in the framework of patient-centred data management.