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Media owner and editor
Universitätszahnklinik Wien GmbH (University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna)
Sensengasse 2a
1090 Vienna, Austria 

Managing Directors
Univ. Prof. DDr. Andreas Moritz
Thomas Stock

T: +43 (0)1 40070-0
F: +43 (0)1 40070-3039


DVR 2110874
UID Nr. ATU 61164956

A 100% subsidiary of the Medical University of Vienna

Task Execution
Clinical organisational unit of the Medical University of Vienna acc. to the Universitätsgesetz 2002 and independent clinic acc. to the Wiener Krankenanstaltengesetz 1987.

General Tendency acc. to § 25 Mediengesetz
Information of the public and the people affiliated with the University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna on the activities of the University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna in the areas of research, teaching and patient care.

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