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Special Clinic for Endodontics

Modern root canal treatment under a microscope has transformed itself in the last few years from a mere attempt to save the tooth to a timely treatment method with a very high success rate. A possibly premature tooth loss can now be successfully avoided. Katharina Giannis, Head of the Special Clinic for Endodontics Katharina Giannis Head of the Special Clinic for Endodontics

When the root canal system is affected, then the entire tooth is endangered. So at the Special Clinic for Endodontics everything centres on the often very complex root canal system of the teeth. A tooth inflamed due to bacteria can damage the root – this often leads to tooth loss. Through the use of a microscope in combination with the special expertise of our team of dentists on the inside of the tooth, bacteria and the affected nerve tissue can be completely removed during the first treatment. Inflammations can then subside and the chances for the diseased tooth to heal are very good. At the Special Clinic for Endodontics, we treat our patients at the highest professional and diagnostic level. Our treatment units are equipped with the most modern surgical microscopes, which support a detailed root representation and preparation and offer a completely new level of precision. The newest endodontic equipment, instruments and filling materials are being put to use. In this way we can keep the treatment as short as possible, even in complicated cases, and avoid tooth loss. Katharina Giannis Head of the Special Clinic for Endodontics Katharina Giannis

Head of the Special Clinic for Endodontics Gülümser Altinkaynak, Dep. Head of the Special Clinic for Endodontics Gülümser Altinkaynak

Dep. Head of the Special Clinic for Endodontics

Range of Services

We want to conserve your teeth and take the time we need for it.

During the first appointment a precise diagnosis and prognosis for the tooth to be treated is provided. Possible treatment options will be discussed with you.

An expert diagnosis and the use of a microscope ensure a quick detection and elimination of the pain source.

In the event of a renewed root canal treatment (revision) old root fillings that were unsuccessful and were therefore the cause of inflammations and pain, can be expertly removed and renewed. This treatment eliminates inflammations in the area of the root and a complete recovery becomes possible.

The complete exploration of the complex root canal system is one of the most important characteristics of modern endodontics. Through the use of the most modern instruments and materials, even locating and cleaning ultrafine root canals and recesses becomes possible.

In addition to the detection of root canals, a thorough preparation and disinfection of the root canal system is the prerequisite for a successful overall treatment. Through the use of the newest instruments and antibacterial solutions, all tissue residues and bacteria present can be eliminated.

In the course of a root canal treatment, fine instruments may fracture. This can be an impediment to a complete preparation and cleaning of the root canal. With a microscopic root canal treatment it may be possible to remove them under certain circumstances, without damaging the tooth substance.

Root-treated teeth and broken teeth do not have to be removed. They can be functionally and even aesthetically restored using root pins.

During previous treatments the tooth may not only have been weakened by the mechanical treatment of the root canal system but also by the setting and anchoring of root pins. When a root canal treatment is revised, these pins need to be removed as carefully as possible to retain important tooth substance.

With the right treatment, not only acute inflammations but chronic ones can also be successfully treated. These can cause pain or sometimes even be completely without symptoms. An early detection and elimination of such inflammations is of essential importance for the long-term conservation of teeth.

Dental accidents can lead to tooth loss at any age. In order to avoid this, a quick and professional diagnosis by a qualified team is of the utmost importance.

Modern Root Canal Treatments

The services of the Special Clinic for Endodontics are by no means limited to the classic root canal treatment. We exclusively treat our patients with the newest materials and instruments under a microscope, in order to be able to completely clean and prepare all canals before filling them.

Under a microscope our specialised dentists see the inside of the tooth and the root canal system with the best lighting and very great magnification.

What is also impressive is the precision of microscopic treatments. Even harder to reach canals can be located and cleaned so that relapses are less likely. By contrast, hidden canals often remain undetected in a conventional root canal treatment and can therefore not be cleaned. Bacteria can multiply there without hindrance and cause inflammations. This often remains unnoticed for years until a toothache, and therefore complications, arises

The use of a microscope also makes it possible to detect fissures or fractures that may cause pain or an inflammation.

Why root canal treatments under a microscope?

  • conservation of one’s own teeth with a good long-term prognosis
  • conservation of important tooth abutments for bridges and prostheses
  • tooth substance-saving treatment
  • preservation of the tooth’s vitality
  • closing of exposed root tips for children and adolescents 
  • treatment and aesthetic reconstruction after a dental trauma

Making an Appointment

Head: Katharina Giannis
Deputy Head: Gülümser Altinkaynak

Treatment Hours by Appointment:
Mon - Fri: 8 am - 3 pm
Emergency Clinic with Trauma Care:
Mon - Sun: 8 am - 1 pm

Selma Sulejmanovic

Selma Sulejmanovic

Dental Receptionist

T: +43 (0)1 40070-2145
F: +43 (0)1 40070-2109


University Clinic of Dentistry
Medical University of Vienna

Sensengasse 2a
1090 Vienna

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