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Special Clinic for Bleaching

Healthy, beautiful teeth are not just a decisive part of our appearance but also of our personality. An aesthetic dental appearance is synonymous for success, vigour and attractiveness. Anja Jankovic-Pejicic, Head of the Special Clinic for Bleaching Anja Jankovic-Pejicic, Head of the Special Clinic for Bleaching

An immaculate white smile stands for health, beauty and success. Studies have shown that white teeth are important for professional and private success. Bright healthy teeth make people appear youthful, vibrant and attractive. In the course of one’s life it can happen that teeth become discoloured and don’t look bright and shiny anymore, even though they are being cleaned regularly and thoroughly. Bleaching can brighten discoloured teeth. With a simple and painless treatment at the Special Clinic for Bleaching of the University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna, your teeth become bright and attractive again. In all matters of tooth whitening, you are in good hands at the University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna. Our specialists are always up to date through continuing training measures and will conscientiously take care of your dental health so that you can show your most beautiful smile unselfconsciously again. Anja Jankovic-Pejicic, Head of the Special Clinic for Bleaching Anja Jankovic-Pejicic

Head of the Special Clinic for Bleaching Marija Cakarevic, Dep. Head of the Special Clinic for Bleaching Marija Cakarevic

Dep. Head of the Special Clinic for Bleaching

Range of Services

We offer different methods for tooth whitening. For all treatments we take care to achieve the best results, using the most modern techniques and materials, without damaging the tooth substance.

The bleaching gel is directly applied to the teeth to be whitened by the treating staff and it remains there according to the usage instructions under the supervision of the dentist. Then the whitening gel is thoroughly removed, and the bleaching result can be immediately checked. The use of laser further intensifies the whitening effect.

For this method, we manufacture an individual plastic splint. To do this we make an impression and create a cast. The splint is filled with bleaching gel by the patient according to the instructions of the dentist and for use at home. During weekly check-ups the dentist examines the whitening result.

Root-treated teeth are bleached with peroxide inlays within the tooth. The bleaching gel is left on the tooth for several days. For an optimal result, the treatment should be repeated several times.

Important Information

The results vary by individual. In an extensive appraisal we discuss which method is best suited for you and provide extensive counselling.

Bleaching is a method to whiten discoloured teeth for aesthetic reasons. In the course of time, stains from food or stimulants accumulate in the crystal structure of the enamel and darken the teeth. The individual tooth colour also darkens slightly with age.

The bleach used most often is based on hydrogen peroxide. When applied to the teeth the chemical compounds decompose and release oxygen, which destroys the stains through a process of oxidation and thus whitens the teeth.

The best way to proceed with tooth whitening is to start with an extensive appraisal. Before the whitening it is necessary to conduct a professional dental hygiene treatment to completely remove all deposits and superficial discolourations from the surface of the teeth. The dentition has to be free of caries and must not display any symptoms of tooth socket diseases (gum bleeding, periodontal pockets).

Fillings, inlays, crown and bridges are not altered nor affected by whitening agents. Pregnant and breast-feeding women and minors should abstain from tooth whitening, however.

The result depends on the individual patient. The long-term success after a whitening treatment depends on oral hygiene at home as well as eating habits.

To retain the bleaching result for a longer period of time, you should:

  • brush your teeth regularly and use floss
  • regularly have your teeth cleaned professionally
  • limit the consumption of substances that discolour the teeth

After the whitening an oversensitivity and gum irritations may arise for a short period of time. In order to strengthen the enamel, a fluoride calcium gel is applied at the end of the treatment.

Zu häufige und intensive Zahnaufhellung kann Veränderungen der Zahnhartsubstanz hervorrufen. Zur Vermeidung solcher Komplikationen sollte die Indikationsstellung und Zahnaufhellung nur unter zahnärztlicher Kontrolle erfolgen.

Making an Appointment

Head: Anja Jankovic-Pejicic 
Deputy Head: Marija Cakarevic

Treatment Hours by Appointment:
Mon - Fri: 8 am - 4 pm
Emergency Clinic with Trauma Care:
Mon - Sun: 8 am - 1 pm

Sabine Kremling

Sabine Kremling

Dental Receptionist

T: +43 (0)1 40070-2116 und -21160
F: +43 (0)1 40070-2009

University Clinic of Dentistry
Medical University of Vienna

Sensengasse 2a
1090 Vienna

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