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Facts & Figures on the School of Dentistry Vienna

More than 150,000 out-patient treatments per year of over 40,000 patients – these figures speak for themselves. The University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna is one of the largest dental clinics in Europe.

With its Clinical Divisions of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics, Radiology and Paediatric Dentistry as well as our various special clinics, the University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna offers various treatment options at the highest academic level and it is one of the largest and most modern schools of dentistry in Europe.

The University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna in Facts and Figures

The University Clinic of Dentistry is an independent clinic according to the Wiener Krankenanstaltengesetz 1987 (Wr. KAG, the Vienna Hospital Law) and the University Clinic of Dentistry of the Medical University of Vienna according to the Universitätsgesetz (UG 2002, University Law).
The operating company is the Universitätszahnklinik Wien GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of the Medical University of Vienna.

  • more than 100 university professors and dentists
  • more than 400 employees in medical as well as administrative and service areas 
  • more than 150,000 out-patient treatments per year
  • about 5,000 of those in oral surgery 
  • 110 treatment units
  • 800 dental students
  • research: continuous increase of impact factors and number of publications in international journals
Presentation of the School of Dentistry Vienna

Heads of the University Clinic of Dentistry

Univ.-Prof. DDr. Andreas Moritz (left) – Managing Director, Medical Director, Head of the Clinic Thomas Stock (right) – Managing Director, Commercial Director
Univ.-Prof. DDr. Andreas Moritz (left) – Managing Director, Medical Director, Head of the Clinic Thomas Stock (right) – Managing Director, Commercial Director